About Us

What is a Maid Cafe?
Maid Cafes originated in the Akihabara district of Japan.What is a maid café? The maid café trend in taking Japan by storm, and spreading its way state side. Maid cafés are a lot like regular cafés, but with a twist. All of the waitresses dress and act like adorable anime-style maids!

What is Ichigo Cafe?
Ichigo Cafe, meaning "Strawberry Cafe", is a maid cafe based in Las Vegas, NV. Ichigo Cafe is drastically different from a traditional Japanese maid cafe. We do not have a single location and function more like a catering group. We visit various events and provide not only food and drink, but quality anime related programming! Someday we hope to open a full service cafe in Las Vegas.

What makes Ichigo Cafe different?
Ichigo Cafe was formed in September of 2007, making it one of the first ever American maid cafes. Originally we only worked with one convention, once a year. At present we visit a number of events, as well host our own! Ichigo Cafe has some of the most interactive events and panels you can find in Las Vegas. We strive to get the whole audience involved! Ichigo Cafe is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse maid cafes in the world. We have also changed the dynamics of a typical maid cafe, to better suit an American audience. Attend one of our events to see what we are really all about, our calendar can be found under the Events tab. We look forward to seeing there!